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Sesuai dengan Undang-Undang Nomor: 14 Tahun 2005 tetang Guru dan Dosen dan Peraturan Pemerintah Nomor 37 Tahun 2009 tentag Dosen, Jabatan Fungsional Tenaga Pendidik sepuluh tahun sejak UU tersebut diberlakukan wajib memiliki Ijazah S2. Bagi yang belum memperolehnya sampai 31 Desember 2105, akan dialihkan statusnya menjadi tenaga kependidikan.
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BalasHapusDo you need personal loan?
BalasHapusLoan for your home improvements,
Mortgage loan,
Debt consolidation loan,
Commercial loan,
Education loan,
Car loan,
Loan for assets. Whatsapp +918929509036
BalasHapusI have been browsing over the net for days now and boom I felt on this interesting article which helped me change my mind set , I also learn a lot about Malta country and SOMEONE CAN OBTAIN A MALTA CITIZENSHIP ONLINE SMOOTHLY WITHOUT ANY STRESS I've bookmark your site and furthermore include RSS. keep us refreshed all the time. Y’all don’t forget to join this EXPERTS TELEGRAM GROUP for more information about the Malta Citizenship and how to acquire them easily with no stress. You can also take advantage to learn and meet many Experts who will guide you on numerous techniques for anyone who love hacking and don’t know how to go about it .